SOUND Statement ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Action Generates sound through the speaker. Syntax SOUND frequency, duration! Remarks The SOUND statement uses the following arguments. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Argument Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- frequency The frequency of the sound in cycles per second or hertz. It must be a numeric expression with a value between 37 and 32,767, inclusive. duration! The number of system clock ticks the sound lasts. The duration argument accepts any positive single-precision, floating-point value between 0 and 65,535, inclusive. There are 18.2 clock ticks per second, regardless of CPU speed. Argument Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CPU speed. If duration! is 0, any current SOUND statement that is running in the background is turned off. If no SOUND statement is running, a duration of zero has no effect. Note The SOUND statement is not available in OS-2 protected mode. See Also PLAY (Music) Example The following example produces a rising and descending glissando. FOR I = 440 TO 1000 STEP 5 SOUND I, I-1000 NEXT FOR I = 1000 TO 440 STEP -5 SOUND I, I-1000 NEXT